How to treat vaginal discharge with odor?

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How to treat vaginal discharge with odor?

Treatment of foul-smelling vaginal discharge requires finding the cause and treating it appropriately.

  • Antibiotics 

If the smelly discharge is caused by a bacterial vaginosis or sexually transmitted infection, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics to kill the bacteria. Antibiotics come in both oral and vaginal suppositories. 

  • Antifungal Medications

Treatment for vaginal discharge with a sour odor or cloudy, lumpy discharge along with itching: The doctor will prescribe antifungal medications, which come in both oral and vaginal suppositories. 

  • Maintain cleanliness

Keep your vaginal area clean by using a vaginal cleanser. Avoid using products that contain harsh chemicals or fragrances, such as feminine cleansers or deodorant sprays.

And avoid using perfumed sanitary pads.

  • Eat foods with probiotics

Eat foods that contain beneficial microorganisms, such as yogurt, to help balance the bacteria in the vagina.

How to take care of yourself when your vaginal discharge has an odor 

When vaginal discharge has an odor, we women should take care of ourselves as follows:

  • Clean your vagina properly. Wash your vagina and genitals with water only. Do not use feminine wash or soap, as these can increase irritation or lose the proper pH balance of the vaginal area. 
  • Keep your body clean. Take a shower after exercising, especially if you sweat a lot. Do not let it ferment. Pat your private areas and vagina dry and not damp.
  • Clean the genital and vaginal areas from front to back with plain water and pat dry every time. 
  • Do not douche the vaginal area.
  • You should not scratch your genital area.
  • Wear comfortable clothing that is not too tight or too thick to allow air circulation.
  • Wash and dry your underwear. It should be exposed to sunlight.
  • When menstruating, sanitary pads should be changed every 3-4 hours, or more often if the flow is heavy.